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The Importance of a Natal-Nurture Postnatal Checkins

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

The Importance of Postnatal Check-ins Bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful and transformative experience. However, it can also be a challenging and overwhelming time for new parents. That's why it's so helpful to have provide a post-natal checkin.

The Natal-Nurture therapist will have already established a trusting and supportive relationship pre-natally, before they reach out to new mums to check-in. This might be in the form of email exchances, a quick call between feeds or a couple of Teams sessions.

This appropriate support offers a valuable space for parents to share their emotional experiences, to de-brief about the birth. It might be that the new mum feels the need to talk more about the birth but for those around her - its all about baby! But mum can sometimes really benefit from talking through the experience and her resulting emotions. Sometimes family members with unsolicited advice of how "they did it " can really make a new mum feel inadequate. Maybe breastfeeding isn't going has hoped and there can be unexpected feelings of guilt and shame to deal with.

These sessions serve as a proactive measure, offering emotional support and assurance, creating a vital connection that aids in preventing and addressing postnatal depression. By actively listening and signposting when necessary, these check-ins play a pivotal role in fostering a sense of support, ensuring mothers feel heard and understood throughout their emotional journey.

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